Op 7 november heeft de Europese Consumentenorganisatie (BEUC), waaronder de Nederlandse Consumentenbond en twaalf andere lidorganisaties, een greenwashing-klacht ingediend bij de EC.
BEUC verzoekt om een gecoördineerd toezichtonderzoek door de EC en het netwerk van toezichthouders (CPC) naar de ‘100% gerecycled/recyclebaar’ claims en groene visuals op plastic flessen van diverse merken. De klacht van BEUC beweert dat deze claims en beelden in strijd zijn met de Europese consumentenwetgeving, omdat ze niet de praktische en technische realiteit van plastic recycling weerspiegelen:
The alert focuses on the recycling claims on plastic water bottles (“100% recyclable” and/or “made of 100% recycled plastic” and their variations, sometimes accompanied with green imagery) used by several traders operating across the EU. We consider these environmental claims to be highly misleading and to constitute widespread infringements with an EU-wide dimension of Directive 2005/29/EC (the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive - UCPD). Specifically, we believe that these claims are vague, factually inaccurate, or otherwise not substantiated. They convey a misleading impression of “plastic circularity” which remains far from the reality and potential of the recycling process. Worse, they contribute to slowing down the green transition by presenting plastic as a sustainable option whereas its detrimental effects on the environment have been well-documented. Ultimately, they deter consumers from turning to more sustainable options (like tap water), wherever they can.